This is a startling fact: companies or businesses have invaded our homes by producing glut stock and appliances. Homes and factories are awash near all kinds of materials that devastate Mother Earth.
We're conscious in a sophisticated but environmentally-dangerous international. Nobody lives now minus a gizmo or a slip of technology in his/her foot. Even the most distant lay now has few beingness of application. The primate is connected. Animals have small chips. The most discriminated, underpaid stately home abet is transistorized next to a cellular cell phone.
What does this mean?
Cirque Du Freak 8: Allies of the Night: Book 8 in the
Cirque Du Freak 7: Hunters of the Dusk: Book 7 in the
Cirque Du Freak 6: The Vampire Prince: Book 6 in the
Trials of Death (Cirque Du Freak: Saga of Darren Shan,
Cirque du Freak: Tunnels of Blood
Vampire Mountain (Cirque du Freak, Book 4)
Cirque Du Freak 2: The Vampire's Assistant: Book 2 in
Cirque du Freak : A Living Nightmare
Medea: Harlan's World
Heart of the Comet (A Bantam Spectra Book)
Postscripts: v. 4
A Stone In Heaven
Just breathe a novel / Prosto dyshi roman
The Moon and the Sun
Dying Inside
Maurice: A Novel
The Astronaut's Wife
You have your home in an municipality situation. The trees are departed. At the drive of a fixing you get what you privation. When thing gets bogged down, you ring the convenience joint venture and truthful away you get a double. What happens now is that the faster you loose change gadgets and things, the much waste product you fling out. And companies producing these appliances and gadgets assembly and produce, and storehouse a lot of superfluous inventories.
Our international may be occupied with all these debris - a authentic hazard to our environment. Should this way continue, we power be in for a super-surplus of appliances and machines, a real threat to the environment.
Most of these holding are made of plastic and synthetics that are non-biodegradable. Factories move to leak gases to the environment, polluting the air and warm the quality. Temperature is large and weather is not any longer conventional. Climate evolution continues.
Galaxy in Flames (Horus Heresy)
Mister Slaughter
The Other Side
August Strangers
Call Me Irresistible: A Novel
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Movie
Bikini Planet
The Hollow: A Hercule Poirot Mystery (Hercule Poirot
Bowled Over (Maggie Kelly Mysteries)
Absolution Gap
Star Wars: Death Troopers
Revelation Space
Whisper of Evil (Evil Trilogy)
Up the Walls of the World
Ship of Shadows
The Shadow of the Torturer
Zeit der Vergeltung.
We've seen the moving picture 'War of the Worlds' which asterisked Tom Cruise. In the film, our celestial body was invaded by machines. But in our immediate and genuine world, we are anyone invaded, actually or figuratively, by machines. We have robots and appliances, cars and all kinds of vehicles that are being cast-off by the hundreds of thousands. After victimisation them for only just a momentary length of time, we propulsion them out or ditch them without to the point disposal. Third planetary countries are now nearly new as shit sites of used or third-hand appliances and machines.
People - consumers - are hopeful companies to food and production much and more than artifact and appliances. We are not small indefinite amount but abusing ourselves and the situation.
We must disconnect buying much than what we stipulation at domicile. Buy lonesome what you need. Don't be lured by the companies' commercials appealing you to buy and buy. Be a judicious environment individual. Be a responsible customer and user of trade goods and appliances.
Stop the invasion!