Welcome to the blogging world! Before you hurdle in, get used to yourself beside these 15 prevailing blogging word.
1. Blog - Short for weblog. It's analogous to an online bulletin. You may use it for of their own or conglomerate. The journal entries are in written record establish.
2. Blogosphere - A blogging community
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4. Blog Roll - A database of blogs you suggest to call round. Also titled link exchange
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6. Categories - Organizing web log topics by group connate topics equally to trademark it easier to find
7. Comment Moderation - Allows the diary administrator to pre-approve or renounce annotations ready-made by visitors
8. Comment Spam - Comment spam is the act of card random annotations on blogs, which are unconnected to the subject matter or promoting URL links major to sites containing mature content, medical specialty drugs etc.
9. Link Love - Posting a contact on your journal or else blogs you ponder may be of involvement to others
10. No Follow - Is recovered on blog platforms to rule out search out engines from ensuing a intermingle in a observation fight back. This was utilized to discourage spammers. To fish out "no follow" coming together for instructions
11. Ping - Letting journal dig out engines cognise you have updated your journal. You can use a ping river employ specified as Autopinger.com to ping quadruplex hunt engines at once
12. RSS Feed - Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication is a data format for delivering characteristically dynamical web content
13. Splog - Blogs that are of late spam. Usually splogs enclose injured (stolen) satisfied from some other blogs
14. Trackback - Is a due process from blogger A to blogger B by sending a ping to say I have inscribed thing affiliated to your blog position on my diary. The freshman soul receives the trackback in comprise of an extract with a connection to the transmit of blogger B
15. Vlog - A video blog
Now you can nightspot in and savour your blogging experience!